Monday, September 8, 2014



Acting Balanced

Welcome to Monday Quiz About Me - hosted by Heather & Wayne from Acting Balanced.  We are continuing to answer questions together.  Judy from Retired-not-Tired wanted us to reinstate #MQAM, so I challenged her to write this week's questions...

Here are the Questions:

1. I have heard the term"fummer" being used lately. Is it fall-like or summer-like in your neighbourhood?

We have definitely had some fall-like days. We have noticed some of the leaves are changing colour.

2. The astrological sign for September is "Virgo" what is yours?

I am a Pisces and D H is Leo.

3. The kids are back in school do you have your routine as well?

Our routine is out of whack at the moment because my pool classes as well as our dance classes are on hold.

4. Sunday was "National Grandparent Day". Did you honour your grandparents?

No! My grandparents have passed on and my grandchildren honour us on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

And here is my 5th Question:

Do you decorate for”Fall”?