Wednesday, July 16, 2014



1. The month of July was named for Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. He's quoted as saying, 'Experience is the teacher of all things." So what has experience taught you lately?

My grandchildren are always teaching me new things especially with the new technology. They showed me how to use the i-pad.

2. Where did you last 'roam'?

We roamed around the Mennonite community of St Jacob’s. We shopped at the farmer’s market as well as the Outlet Mall.

3. Speaking of 'Rome', pasta, can only pick one, which would you choose?

I am a huge gelato fan and actually had some while we were in Rome last year.

4. 'Rome wasn't built in a day', 'All roads lead to Rome', 'When in Rome...' which 'Roman' idiom have you most recently encountered? Explain.

I am going with “Rome wasn’t built in a day” because as we finish one renovation we seem to have another that needs to be done. It is an ongoing process to maintain our house. The siding is done and now the outside needs some paint.

5. What's a movie you've seen or a book you've read, that makes you want to book a trip to Italy?

When I think of an Italian film I think of Sophia Loren. I have been to Italy 3 times and would not hesitate to go back.

6.  Walt's original
Disneyland opened almost sixty years ago, on July 17, 1955  Have you ever been to the California park? How about any of the other Disney parks around the world? What's your favorite amusement park ride or attraction?

I have never been to the California Disney park however I won a trip to Disney World Florida many years ago. My favourite was the Epcot Centre.

7. It's that time of year...when were you last bitten or stung?

I haven’t been bitten or stung so far this year. Mind you I don’t go out at night when the bugs would be at their worst.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Our grandchildren have arrived from South Carolina and the fun has begun. They spent Monday with us and will probably be back tomorrow. Apparently the other grandparents house has more things to do than ours does. Our house is smaller and we don’t have a big backyard. We do have several parks in the area though except you have to walk to them.